Feeding with Dignity
According to the Human Rights Commission:-
‣Approximately ¼ of South Africa is food insecure which means they do not know where their next meal is coming from. (These stats are pre-covid19!!)
‣More than 60 percent of chronically hungry people are women.
‣Malnutrition remains the world’s most serious health problem and the single biggest contributor to child mortality, more than HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria combined.
‣There are 1.5 million children, under the age of 6 years whose development is stunted by chronic malnutrition
‣Smart Meals Africa inspires people to pack healthy meals for the underfed, underprivileged and marginalised members of our community.
‣Smart Meals Africa is empowering individuals to help themselves by creating their own distribution network.
‣Partner with Smart Meals Africa to reach the goal of distributing 10 000 meals, each month.

‣Set up a scheduled payment on your banking site and donate monthly! Smart Meals Africa will pack and distribute on your behalf.
‣Through your church, purchase the ready-packed meals as a part of your monthly tithe.
‣Just by buying a Smart Meals Feeding bag and enjoying it as a part of your own meal, you are supporting Smart Meals Africa. Proceeds from each sale go back into making up feeding bags.
‣Make Smart Meals Africa a beneficiary at your next fundraising event.