Smart Meals Africa

Your Health and Sustaining the Environment

Essential for a healthy and balanced diet

Are you keeping up with the fact that the world is eating far less animal protein?

  • Plant based diets help to reduce the risk of cancer, chronic disease, inflammation, obesity and diabetes. 
  • An excerpt taken from an article entitled “Lentils with a side of rice: the save the world diet?” dated 17 January 2019, says that dozens of health and environment experts are urging the world to adopt this daily meal plan in order to sustain a global population of 10 billion by mid-century, while reigning in climate change and preventing millions of premature deaths each year.
  • The consumption of meat and sugar needs to be halved by 2050, while vegetables and legumes, such as lentils, must increase more than two-fold, particularly in poorer nations where more than 800 million people get insufficient calories.

Smart Meals Africa doesn’t just satisfy tummies; the meals are filled with the correct dietary essentials, thereby enabling our children to absorb facts, become the adults who could change the world, and lead a healthy, productive and prolonged life.  All this, while, sustaining the environment too!   SMART.